DIAKADI is thrilled to host the youth from the City of Dreams organization in our space for fitness education workouts and FUN!

"City of Dreams’ mission is to help the youth living in San Francisco’s underserved communities build brighter futures through mentorship and youth development. We are guided by a bold vision: to end the generational cycle of poverty in our city’s most challenged neighborhoods."

City of Dreams is a non-profit that provides mentorship and youth development for underserved youth living in San Francisco’s public housing neighborhoods. The organization strives to help youth overcome the challenges presented by systemic injustices through mentorship, health & wellness programs, life skills courses, and preparation for social, academic, and professional environments.

For more info on City of Dreams, check out their website HERE.



The DIAKADI Difference mentor program focuses on assisting BIPOC and underserved individuals that are new to the fitness industry and in need of assistance in developing their fitness practices.

Billy has had the honor to begin working with a 'glowing with life' man named Lawrence Watson, who at the age of 69 years is kickstarting his personal training practice, appropriately called Forever Fit, with his friends and community at his church in Woodland, CA.

Lawrence is working towards completing his first personal trainer certification and Billy meets with him each week remotely to discuss his certification lessons and brainstorm proper exercise programs for the friends that he currently works with. During these calls, Lawrence also teaches Billy life lessons on how to get the most out of EVERY single day.

"When I called Lawrence this week, he answered the phone with, 'I am just finishing my 500 pushups for today.' He is Jack Lalanne reincarnated! He is my inspiration for resilience and the importance of positive spirit!"

As a surprise for Lawrence, DIAKADI and Ty purchased a BIG set of equipment and supplies to help Lawrence in building his brand and upping his programming game.

Ty, Lawrence and Billy at Lawrence's Forever Fit workout area in Woodland, CA.

Ty, Lawrence and Billy at Lawrence's Forever Fit workout area in Woodland, CA.

"We gathered an incredible starter kit including tubes, yoga mats, a BOSU, a TRX, an agility ladder, and med balls, and went up to Woodland to meet in person for the first time!"

In Lawrence's church, he is slowly building a small workout area for Forever Fit, where he can continue practicing fitness programs for friends and volunteers as he is finishing his education.

"It was a wonderful treat to finally get to meet Lawrence in person. The vibrant glow that he has over the phone is doubled in real life. While I was there, I was psyched that he and I were able to walk through a full assessment of one of his clients together. Throughout my time with Lawrence, I am honestly learning as much about life as he is about fitness, and for that I am forever grateful."

Keep spreading the love everybody.


SAn francisco Conservation corp

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The San Francisco Conservation Corp motivates and connects youth with inspiring work, quality education, and a better future. SFCC has grown from a basic education and training program into a robust academic, job training, work readiness and life skills experience for over 100 very-low income young adults each year.

A huge shoutout to our trainers and staff that volunteered their time to assist in programming and coaching a KICK-ASS warm-up for the San Francisco Conservation Corps’ corps members. SFCC’s members use this warm-up each morning before heading off to the job site for the day.

outreach program.

Polina Smith, a DIAKADI Trainer, started the DIAKADI Outreach Training Program through her experiences and passion to help others. She has been working with the Medea Project: Theater for Incarcerated Women/HIV Circle shortly after she moved to San Francisco in 2008. Her involvement allowed her to create theater with women who were living with HIV to help release the stigma around the virus. While working there, she met Cassandra Steptoe, a survivor of sexual abuse, addiction, incarceration, and HIV.

DIAKADI Client Cassandra Steptoe has story to tell. A story about rising above the rough times in her life and opening up her heart and life to the world. At 58 years old, Cassandra has lost 20 lbs since she started her training with DIAKADI Trainer Polina Smith (wholebodySF.com), but more importantly, she has learned to embrace her body and is excited to be living her life to the fullest.

When Cassandra mentioned that she was struggling with her weight two years ago, Polina invited her to come train with her at the gym for free. What emerged was a two-year training period where Cassandra not only lost 20 lbs, but also learned to love exercise and had more energy for her granddaughter (who sometimes joined them for sessions!).

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DIAKADI Trainer Jon De La Torre joined Polina in Outreach Training and have donated their time and energy towards working with individuals in SF that wanted to make a big change in their health and fitness routines, but couldn’t due to financial constraints or difficult life circumstances. The DIAKADI Difference program allows an individual to work with these trainers once to twice a week for three months, focusing on fitness, diet, and lifestyle choices.

cystic fibrosis foundation.

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DIAKADI is a proud sponsor of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. DIAKADI Trainer, Liz Letchford is one of our trainers and team leaders who donates her time and services to provide relief, boost strength, and ignite motivation in those battling with Cystic Fibrosis. We happily provide this same program to the parents of children with CF.



We are happy and honored to have begun working alongside Alan Li, founder of Trainers Coalition - a San Francisco based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization spearheading the lack of fitness resources available to low income groups. They are a group of fitness fanatics composed of trainers, nutritionists, dietitians and other health professionals, committed to bringing fitness into the lives of all persons.

Trainers Coalition stand behind the idea that the knowledge and coaching necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle is a basic right to people of all socioeconomic backgrounds. Their staff and volunteers actualize this belief by offering free one-on-one personal training, gym access, and nutritional counseling to eligible clients referred to us by partnered free medical and mental clinics. Feel free to chat with some of our own trainers that are part of the Coalition.

On Saturday, January 26th, 2019, at DIAKADI, they hosted Winter 'Workout'land - an afternoon fitness fair designed to help participants kickstart their New Years Resolution.

They hope to communicate that the gym isn't about being the "tough guy". It's about finding health in our bodies AND our minds. All proceeds from the event went toward providing gym access and training to the low income community.