

If we don’t move, we are not being who we are supposed to be.
— Kelly Starrett
  • Body Recomposition (Fat Loss & Muscle Gain)

    • Structured Fitness Programming

    • Individualized approach to nutrition

    • Focusing on sustainability

    • Composition Planning

  • Nutrition Coaching

    • Habit Change

    • Proven Nutrition Strategies

    • Understanding how internal health effects external health

  • Mobility

    • Using different types of myofascial release work

    • Static vs active stretching

    • Structured mobility programs

  • Strength Training

    • Focus on key lifts

    • Progressive Overload

    • Goal oriented periodization

    • Working with limited factors

  • Rehabilitation

    • Stabilization vs Mobilization

    • Neuromuscular training

    • Recovery modalities

Brendan’s BIO.


At a young age it was evident my passions were people & health and wellness. I was thrust into a life of sports at a young age and loved every second. Excelling in soccer, football, & snowboarding to name a few. I was on my way to making a career out of my love for sports until I was diagnosed with a chronic illness that sadly crushed those dreams. After years of struggling both physically and mentally, I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and turn this hand I was dealt into my vocation. After years of managing my nutrition, strength/ mobility, supplementation, lifestyle factors, and a lot trial and error I can proudly say I am symptom-free and the healthiest & strongest I’ve ever been both physically & mentally.

Now it's time we get you to where you want to be. I bring 6 years coaching, 7 speciality certifications, and my obsession with fitness & nutrition. I’ve worked with some of the best coaches in the fitness space and even trained as a physical therapy assistant under some of The Bay’s best doctors. The system I have put in place for my clients works. My approach starts by exposing the weak links in your body through screening and assessments. Once we have a full picture of our baseline, we go to work on addressing any specific mobility or stability problems you might have. Then I take you through your completely customized fitness program to increase muscle mass, shred fat, & increase the quality of your movement. I’ll also coach you on nutrition and lifestyle factors as it relates to your goals. After all, most of the work will be done outside of the gym.

My coaching is always based in science. I’ll help you sift through the myriad of garbage and fitness influencers on the internet & give you the real data backed strategies. The concept of fat loss & muscle gain are simple, but the application can be hard. It's my job to make that application as easy as possible.

I am a positive, high energy coach that genuinely wants to help those that are struggling. I'll give you my best everyday and I ask the same of all my clients. Although we will stay focused and professional I like to have a good time with my clients along the way. Being coached is inherently and intimate experience and I believe fostering a relationship of trust and rapport will give us the highest degree of success.


  • National Academy of Sports Medicine | Certified Personal Trainer

  • Precision Nutrition | Certified Nutritionist 

  • Kilo Strength Society | Strength Program Design, Periodization

  • PPSC | Pain Free Performance Specialist

  • The Ready State | Movement & Mobility Specialist

  • Functional Movement System FMS1



I've been working with Brendan for over 2 years now. Working with Brendan really elevated my commitment and my willingness to go the extra mile that no coach I had previously had been able to do. He is a super motivated and super motivating individual who provides the right structure, positive attitude, and energy for his clients. He is very disarming and makes me feel comfortable in my own skin, and does a good job of letting me know where I'm making progress and where I need to improve. Some of my biggest wins working with Brendan have been feeling proactive motivation even when I'm not working with him during our 1 on 1 sessions. In addition to that there was a 1 month period where I did a nutrition challenge where I saw results that I have never seen before in my life. I lost about 10 pounds in 1 month! I owe a lot of the way that I look right now to Brendan so I can’t recommend him enough for people that want to make some real change.
— Patrick C,
A very satisfied client


I started working with Brendan at the beginning of the pandemic, and it was one of the best decisions I could have made. He has helped me to build strength and change my body composition through a personalized regimen. Previously I have had a lot of anxiety around working out and nutrition, which has been an obstacle to getting in shape, but working out with Brendan, I have been able to consistently make progress without any of the anxiety I have previously dealt with. He is also super flexible and has been able to modify workouts and nutrition advice to suit various circumstances, including travel, stress & injury. Brendan is also super entertaining and personable, so working out with him is highly enjoyable.
— Elizabeth B


Hi I’m Nishit! I’m a software engineer working at Facebook. I’ve been training with Brendan for 1.5 years now. Before hiring Brendan as my fitness coach, I had tried a few personal trainers intermittently. That had worked out ok but I was never really able to achieve the optimum results. I had managed to lose weight by training on my own as well but wasn’t able to build muscle and as a result, I got injured a couple of times and developed some aches and pains. Some fears I had about hiring a fitness coach again were whether I’ll still be stuck with sub-optimal results or get injured if someone trains aggressively. Training with Brendan actually made me realize that I can achieve more than I thought was possible given my past history of low muscle mass and various injuries. We of course have been able to achieve the desired physical goals so far but the biggest win for me has been the change in my mentality. I don’t have the fear of injuries and hesitation in going to the gym anymore that had bothered me for years. From my personal experience, someone who’s looking for a personalized and sustainable approach to fitness would really benefit from working with Brendan. Most of us in Silicon Valley are working in tech with a sedentary lifestyle that can lead to the aches and pains that I had developed. Brendan is amazingly able to navigate those difficulties and help in achieving the desired fitness goals.
— Nishit S


Personal training with Brendan is awesome. He is highly motivating and very conscious of individual goals. I find that my time with him is far more productive and efficient than it would be otherwise. His personalization to account for specific strengths/weaknesses/injuries is something I would not have been able to find on my own. I've been nothing but happy with the level of service.
— Anthony S